Package 'matrixprofiler'

Title: Matrix Profile for R
Description: This is the core functions needed by the 'tsmp' package. The low level and carefully checked mathematical functions are here. These are implementations of the Matrix Profile concept that was created by CS-UCR <>.
Authors: Francisco Bischoff [aut, cre] , Michael Yeh [res, ccp, ctb] , Diego Silva [res, ccp, ctb] , Yan Zhu [res, ccp, ctb] , Hoang Dau [res, ccp, ctb] , Michele Linardi [res, ccp, ctb]
Maintainer: Francisco Bischoff <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-10 04:28:35 UTC

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Computes the Distance between the 'data' and the 'query'.


This algorithm will use a rolling window, to computes the distance thorough the whole data. This means that the minimum distance found is the motif and the maximum distance is the discord on that time series. Attention you need first to create an object using mass_pre(). Read below.


  query = data,
  index = 1,
  version = c("v3", "v2"),
  n_workers = 1

  query = NULL,
  type = c("normalized", "non_normalized", "absolute", "weighted"),
  weights = NULL



Required. This is the object resulting from mass_pre(). The is no MASS without a pre.


Required. Any 1-dimension series of numbers (matrix, vector, ts etc.)


Optional. Accepts the same types as data and is used for join-similarity. Defaults to data for self-similarity. IMPORTANT Use the same data used on mass_pre().


An integer. This is the index of the rolling window that will be used. Must be between 1 and length(data) - window_size + 1.


A string. Chooses the version of MASS what will be used. Ignored if mass_pre() is not the "normalized" type.


An integer The number of threads using for computing. Defaults to 1.


Required. An integer defining the rolling window size.


This changes how the MASS algorithm will compare the rolling window and the data. (See details).


Optional. It is used when the type is weighted, and has to be the same size as the window_size.


There are currently four ways to compare the window with the data:

  1. normalized: this normalizes the data and the query window. This is the most frequently used.

  2. non_normalized: this won't normalize the query window. The data still being normalized.

  3. absolute: this won't normalize both the data and the query window.

  4. weighted: this normalizes the data and query window, and also apply a weight vector on the query.


mass() returns a list with the distance_profile and the last_product that is only useful for computing the Matrix Profile.

mass_pre() returns a list with several precomputations to be used on MASS later. Attention use this before mass().


pre <- mass_pre(motifs_discords_small, 50)
dist_profile <- mass(pre, motifs_discords_small)
pre <- mass_pre(motifs_discords_small, 50)
dist_profile <- mass(pre, motifs_discords_small)

Matrix Profile for R


This package is derived from the former package tsmp. It is intended to make a clear separation of what is the Matrix Profile computation and what are the data mining process we can do using Matrix Profile.


The Matrix Profile, has the potential to revolutionize time series data mining because of its generality, versatility, simplicity and scalability. In particular it has implications for time series motif discovery, time series joins, shapelet discovery (classification), density estimation, semantic segmentation, visualization, rule discovery, clustering etc.

Parallel backend

This package uses RcppParallel in order to do multithreading computations. By default it uses the 'TBB' backend. If por any reason you want to change the backend to 'tinythread', you may use: Sys.setenv(RCPP_PARALLEL_BACKEND = "tinythread"). To configure back to 'TBB', use Sys.setenv(RCPP_PARALLEL_BACKEND = "tbb").


  • Yeh CCM, Zhu Y, Ulanova L, Begum N, Ding Y, Dau HA, et al. Matrix profile I: All pairs similarity joins for time series: A unifying view that includes motifs, discords and shapelets. Proc - IEEE Int Conf Data Mining, ICDM. 2017;1317-22.

  • Zhu Y, Imamura m, Nikovski D, Keogh E. Matrix Profile VII: Time Series Chains: A New Primitive for Time Series Data Mining. Knowl Inf Syst. 2018 Jun 2;1-27.

  • Zhu Y, Zimmerman Z, Senobari NS, Yeh CM, Funning G. Matrix Profile II : Exploiting a Novel Algorithm and GPUs to Break the One Hundred Million Barrier for Time Series Motifs and Joins. Icdm. 2016 Jan 22;54(1):739-48.


Just a synthetic dataset for testing


Just a synthetic dataset for testing




A vector with 875 observations

Several moving window functions


These functions do not handle NA values


  type = c("ogita", "normal", "weighted", "fading"),
  eps = 0.9

  type = c("ogita", "normal", "weighted", "fading"),
  eps = 0.9

  type = c("ogita", "normal", "weighted", "fading"),
  eps = 0.9

mov_max(data, window_size)

mov_min(data, window_size)

mov_std(data, window_size, rcpp = TRUE)

movmean_std(data, window_size, rcpp = TRUE)

muinvn(data, window_size, n_workers = 1)

zero_crossing(data, window_size)



A vector or a column matrix of numeric.


An integer. The size of the rolling window.


A string. Select between several algorithms. Default is ogita (See details).


A numeric. Used only for fading algorithms (See details), otherwise has no effect.


A logical. If TRUE will use the Rcpp implementation, otherwise will use the R implementation, that may or not be slower.


An integer. The number of threads using for computing. Defaults to 1.


Some functions may use different algorithms to compute the results. The available types are:

  1. ogita: This is the default. It uses the Ogita et al., Accurate Sum, and Dot Product for precision. It is not the fastest algorithm, but the time spent vs. guarantee of precision worth it.

  2. normal: This uses the cumsum method that is faster, but unreliable in some situations (I have to find the references, but is true).

  3. weighted: This uses Rodrigues P., et al. algorithm that uses a weighted window for online purposes. The eps argument controls the factor. (The function is not online yet)

  4. fading: This also uses Rodrigues P., et al. algorithm that in this case, uses a fading factor, also for online purposes. he eps argument controls the factor. (The function is not online yet)

Another important detail is that the standard deviation we use for all computations is the population (i.e.: divided by n), not the sample (i.e.: divided by n - 1). That is why we also provide the internally the ⁠:::std()⁠ function that computes the population, differently from stats::sd() that is the sample kind. Further more, movmean_std() shall be used when you need both results in one computation. This is faster than call mov_mean() followed by mov_std(). Finally, muinvn() is kept like that for historical reasons, as it is the function used by mpx(). It returns the sig (stable inverse centered norm) instead of std (sig is equals to 1 / (std * sqrt(window_size))).


mov_mean() returns a vector with moving avg.

mov_var() returns a vector with moving var.

mov_sum() returns a vector with moving sum.

mov_max() returns a vector with moving max.

mov_min() returns a vector with moving min.

mov_std() returns a vector with moving sd.

movmean_std() returns a list with vectors of the moving avg, sd, sig, sum and sqrsum.

muinvn() returns a list with vectors of moving avg and sig.

zero_crossing() returns a vector of times the data crossed the 'zero' line inside a rolling window.


mov <- mov_mean(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- mov_var(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- mov_sum(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- mov_max(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- mov_min(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- mov_std(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- movmean_std(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mov <- muinvn(motifs_discords_small, 50)
zero_cross <- zero_crossing(motifs_discords_small, 50)

Matrix Profile Computation


STAMP Computes the best so far Matrix Profile and Profile Index for Univariate Time Series.

STOMP is a faster implementation with the caveat that is not anytime as STAMP or SCRIMP.

SCRIMP is a faster implementation, like STOMP, but has the ability to return anytime results as STAMP.

MPX is by far the fastest implementation with the caveat that is not anytime as STAMP or SCRIMP.


  query = NULL,
  exclusion_zone = 0.5,
  s_size = 1,
  n_workers = 1,
  progress = TRUE

  query = NULL,
  exclusion_zone = 0.5,
  n_workers = 1,
  progress = TRUE

  query = NULL,
  exclusion_zone = 0.5,
  s_size = 1,
  pre_scrimp = 0.25,
  n_workers = 1,
  progress = TRUE

  query = NULL,
  exclusion_zone = 0.5,
  s_size = 1,
  idxs = TRUE,
  distance = c("euclidean", "pearson"),
  n_workers = 1,
  progress = TRUE



Required. Any 1-dimension series of numbers (matrix, vector, ts etc.) (See details).


Required. An integer defining the rolling window size.


(not yet on scrimp()) Optional. Another 1-dimension series of numbers for an AB-join similarity. Default is NULL (See details).


A numeric. Defines the size of the area around the rolling window that will be ignored to avoid trivial matches. Default is 0.5, i.e., half of the window_size.


A numeric. Used on anytime algorithms (stamp, scrimp, mpx) if only part of the computation is needed. Default is 1.0 (means 100%).


An integer. The number of threads using for computing. Defaults to 1.


A logical. If TRUE (the default) will show a progress bar. Useful for long computations. (See details)


A numeric. If not zero, pre_scrimp is computed, using a fraction of the data. Default is 0.25. This parameter is ignored when using multithread or AB-join.


(mpx() only) A logical. Specifies if the computation will return the Profile Index or not. Defaults to TRUE.


(mpx() only) A string. Currently accepts euclidean and pearson. Defaults to euclidean.


The Matrix Profile, has the potential to revolutionize time series data mining because of its generality, versatility, simplicity and scalability. In particular it has implications for time series motif discovery, time series joins, shapelet discovery (classification), density estimation, semantic segmentation, visualization, rule discovery, clustering etc.

progress, it is really recommended to use it as feedback for long computations. It indeed adds some (neglectable) overhead, but the benefit of knowing that your computer is still computing is much bigger than the seconds you may lose in the final benchmark. About n_workers, for Windows systems, this package uses TBB for multithreading, and Linux and macOS, use TinyThread++. This may or not raise some issues in the future, so we must be aware of slower processing due to different mutexes implementations or even unexpected crashes. The Windows version is usually more reliable. The data and query parameters will be internally converted to a single vector using as.numeric(), thus, bear in mind that a multidimensional matrix may not work as you expect, but most 1-dimensional data types will work normally. If query is provided, expect the same pre-procesment done for data; in addition, exclusion_zone will be ignored and set to 0. Both data and query doesn't need to have the same size and they can be interchanged if both are provided. The difference will be in the returning object. AB-Join returns the Matrix Profile 'A' and 'B' i.e., the distance between a rolling window from query to data and from data to query.


The anytime STAMP computes the Matrix Profile and Profile Index in such manner that it can be stopped before its complete calculation and return the best so far results allowing ultra-fast approximate solutions.


The STOMP uses a faster implementation to compute the Matrix Profile and Profile Index. It can be stopped earlier by the user, but the result is not considered anytime, just incomplete. For a anytime algorithm, use stamp() or scrimp().


The SCRIMP algorithm was the anytime solution for stomp. It is as fast as stomp but allows the user to cancel the computation and get an approximation of the final result. This implementation uses the SCRIMP++ code. This means that, at first, it will compute the pre-scrimp (a very fast and good approximation), and continue improving with scrimp. The exception is if you use multithreading, that skips the pre-scrimp stage.


This algorithm was developed apart from the main Matrix Profile branch that relies on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) at least in one part of the process. This algorithm doesn't use FFT at all and is several times faster. It also relies on Ogita's work for better precision computing mean and standard deviation (part of the process).


Returns a list with the matrix_profile, profile_index (if idxs is TRUE in mpx()), and some information about the settings used to build it, like ez and partial when the algorithm is finished early.

This document

Last updated on 2021-11-23 using R version 4.1.2.


  • Yeh CCM, Zhu Y, Ulanova L, Begum N, Ding Y, Dau HA, et al. Matrix profile I: All pairs similarity joins for time series: A unifying view that includes motifs, discords and shapelets. Proc - IEEE Int Conf Data Mining, ICDM. 2017;1317-22.

  • Zhu Y, Imamura m, Nikovski D, Keogh E. Matrix Profile VII: Time Series Chains: A New Primitive for Time Series Data Mining. Knowl Inf Syst. 2018 Jun 2;1-27.

  • Zhu Y, Zimmerman Z, Senobari NS, Yeh CM, Funning G. Matrix Profile II : Exploiting a Novel Algorithm and GPUs to Break the One Hundred Million Barrier for Time Series Motifs and Joins. Icdm. 2016 Jan 22;54(1):739-48.


See Also

mass() for the underlying algorithm that finds best match of a query.

mpxab() for the forward and reverse join-similarity.


mp <- stamp(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mp <- stomp(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mp <- scrimp(motifs_discords_small, 50)
mp <- mpx(motifs_discords_small, 50)

Math Functions


znorm(): Normalizes data for mean Zero and Standard Deviation One

ed_corr(): Converts euclidean distances into correlation values

corr_ed(): Converts correlation values into euclidean distances

mode(): Returns the most common value from a vector of integers

std(): Population SD, as R always calculate with n-1 (sample), here we fix it.

normalize(): Normalizes data to be between min and max.

complexity(): Computes the complexity index of the data

binary_split(): Creates a vector with the indexes of binary split.


znorm(data, rcpp = TRUE)

ed_corr(data, w, rcpp = TRUE)

corr_ed(data, w, rcpp = TRUE)

mode(x, rcpp = FALSE)

std(data, na.rm = FALSE, rcpp = TRUE)

normalize(data, min_lim = 0, max_lim = 1, rcpp = FALSE)


binary_split(n, rcpp = TRUE)



a vector of numeric.


A logical. If TRUE will use the Rcpp implementation, otherwise will use the R implementation, that may or not be slower.


the window size


a vector of integers.


A logical. If TRUE remove the NA values from the computation.


A number


A number


size of the vector


znorm(): Returns the normalized data

ed_corr(): Returns the converted values from euclidean distance to correlation values.

corr_ed(): Returns the converted values from euclidean distance to correlation values.

mode(): Returns the most common value from a vector of integers.

std(): Returns the corrected standard deviation from sample to population.

normalize(): Returns the normalized data between min and max.

complexity(): Returns the complexity index of the data provided (normally a subset).

complexity(): Returns a vector with the binary split indexes.


normalized <- znorm(motifs_discords_small)
fake_data <- c(rep(3, 100), rep(2, 100), rep(1, 100))
correlation <- ed_corr(fake_data, 50)
fake_data <- c(rep(0.5, 100), rep(1, 100), rep(0.1, 100))
euclidean <- corr_ed(fake_data, 50)
fake_data <- c(1, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 7, 9, 4, 5, 2, 3)
mode <- mode(fake_data)
fake_data <- c(1, 1.4, 4.3, 5.1, 2, 3.6, 1.24, 2, 9, 4.3, 5, 2.1, 3)
res <- std(fake_data)
fake_data <- c(1, 1.4, 4.3, 5.1, 2, 3.6, 1.24, 1, 9, 4.3, 5, 2.1, 3)
res <- normalize(fake_data)
fake_data <- c(1, 1.4, 4.3, 5.1, 2, 3.6, 1.24, 8, 9, 4.3, 5, 2.1, 3)
res <- complexity(fake_data)
fake_data <- c(10)
res <- binary_split(fake_data)